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Surveyor’s Office

enveloppe.png Contact horloge.png Office Hours
E-mail : dmlsbGVAaGVyc3RhbC5iZQ==
Tel. : 04 240 66 80
Fax : 04 240 66 96
 Monday to Friday:9am-12pm
crayon.pngWrite us map.png Visit us
Ville de Herstal
bureau d'Etudes
place Jean Jaurès 1 - 4040 Herstal
 Ville de Herstal
bureau d'Etudes
rue Large Voie 34 - 4040 Herstal 

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Subsidized construction: survey and follow-up of construction related to triennial public works programs: sewers, roads, etc., and related to municipal infrastructures: public squares, Sports Center, City Hall, schools, etc.
  • Surveying of different construction projects or renovation of municipal assets: daycare center, pool, churches, roadways, etc.
  • Study of plans, outlines, and municipal regulations such as the municipal structure outline, the municipal mobility plan, etc.
  • Management of applicants, Article 129 §3 of the CWATUPE and requests for road permits.
  • Management of requests for individual hookups to the public sewer system.
  • Surveillance of construction relating to the creation of subdivisions.
  • Public tenders: elaboration of special specifications for public works, provisions, and services necessary to the City of Herstal and the surveillance of construction and related projects.
  • Indicating the establishment of new construction before constructions authorized by city planning permit begin.
  • Replies to requests for notary information.

Documents to download: