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Sanctioning Agent

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E-mail : dmlsbGVAaGVyc3RhbC5iZQ==
E-mail : U2FuY3Rpb25zLkFkbWluaXN0cmF0aXZlc0BoZXJzdGFsLmJl
Tel. : 04 240 64 45
Fax : 04 240 64 49
  Monday and Tuesday:
Thursday and Friday:
or by appointment
July and August:

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Ville de Herstal
Fonctionnaire sanctionnateur
place Jean Jaurès 1• 4040 Herstal
  Ville de Herstal
Fonctionnaire sanctionnateur
rue Laixheau 69 • 4040 Herstal 

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • • Pursuing and sanctioning infractions of City Administrative Police ordinances and regulations.

In order to do this, the Sanctioning Agent:
  • Is constrained to the tickets that are given by the police and by environmental investigators. He cannot establish infractions himself.
  • Begins the administrative procedure by sending a certified letter to the person who is being pursued, inviting this person to present his or her defense in writing.
  • Watches over the respect of procedural guarantees if the person in question was less than 16 years of age at the time of the fact (designation of a lawyer, calling in the parents, etc.)
  • If need be, sends the case to preliminary mediation (obligatory for persons less than 16 years of age at the time of the fact).
  • Summons the person who is being pursued to a hearing (alone, assisted or represented by a lawyer), only if the fine being imposed is no more than 62.50€.
  • Independently makes the decision to impose a fine within 6 months of the receipt of the ticket. The fine can reach up to 250€ (125€ in the case of minors). In environmental cases, the fine can reach up to 100,000€.

Documents to download:
